Education Intervention Nigeria
As Nelson Mandela says, “Education” is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world education in Nigeria is in crisis: 10.5 million children are out of school, more than in any other country, and over half of adults in the country are illiterate, a legacy of decades of poor education. In response, the United Nations Special Envoy for Global Education, Gordon Brown, attended an Education Summit in Abuja, Nigeria, together with President Goodluck Jonathan, state governors and the education commissioners of all 36 states.PROFOH was also there including other major education partners such as USAID, Qatar‟s Educate a Child, the Global Partnership for Education, and the Global Business Coalition for Education. They announced significant financial support and discuss how it could be used to build more schools, recruit and train more teachers, and implement new technology.. Nigeria fares worse in almost all respects , as was shown in our recent policy paper, released with the UNESCO Institute for Statistics. Over one in six of the world‟s out-of-school children live in Nigeria. The situation has deteriorated in recent years. There were 3.6 million more children out of school in 2010 than in 2000. We hope that the education summit makes concrete plans not only to get all of those children into school, but also to make sure it happens by regularly monitoring progress, building on President Goodluck Jonathan‟s proposal for a new census in 2014 to help track education progress. Assessing who is getting into school and who is being left behind is vital in order to know which policies need to be prioritized.The education crisis in Nigeria is not only one of access, but also quality. The large number of Nigerian children and young people emerging from school with limited literacy or numeracy skills demands urgent action to improve the country‟s education. PROFOH is committed to stand up for the 57 million children and wished to see every one of them in school by the end of 2015.
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