Education Intervention

Developing countries that lack basic education are vulnerable to disease, war, and environmental crises. Today there are more children out of school than there were in the last decade.

But Profoh is determined to make a change, a positive impact that reverses the current situation that deprived countries find themselves in today. As Nelson Mandela says, “Education” is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world. When the people of a nation are educated, they would definitely carve ways to be self-sufficient.

An economically independent society is the stepping stone to combined productivity that leads to a economic growth of the nation on a whole.

Statistics reveal that if the mothers are educated, chances are that child mortality rates reduce by less than half. Profoh is determined to make a difference by helping to build strong education systems that will provide education to everyone and also help communities move towards peace and prosperity.


Education Interventions By PROFOH

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Brian Camazine, MD

Joshua came into the operating room in November, 2010 with a Band-aid across his upper lip. I didn’t… Read More

Brian Camazine, MD

When I first saw Ogechi in June, 2006, she was lying in bed, with a shawl covering her… Read More