Fith Medical Mission Rivers – Nigeria
Dr Brian Camazine and Dr G.B. Gbaanador led this mission, venue was Gokana in Ogoniland, Rivers State -Nigeria. Team Kamazine joined Dan G. Kama, of Professionals For Humanity, for a surgical clinic at the Gokana General Hospital-Terabor. Also participating were Drs., Dimpka, Jombo, Okpa, Akpanudo, Madu, Nkeonye, Eze PROFOH director of medical mission and Oje; nurse anesthetists, Wilson, Oje and Uruakpa, surgical technician Micah In two days Camazine and his team we performed 43 cases-34 hernias, 3 neck cases, 1 splenectomy, 1 ganglion, 3 lipomas
,etc. After Camazine returned back to NCH we did another 16 cases .we broke our record on this mission,22 surgeries in one day. The highest in the past has been 13-14 procedures .Gokana is a rural farming communities, when we arrived the patients had been pre-screened and more than 1000 patients showed up for few days of surgery. Dr Philip Eze also led a mini team to handle clinical cases, we saw about 1000 patients and treated them .We all agreed the need is huge and will do whatever it takes to come back to Gokana. Dr Gbenaddor and others performed additional Surgeries the next day-It was quite a mission.
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